
Difficulty level 

Items to prepare for Omlette

  • tanoshii Ramen

    ・Ramen tray

  • tanoshii Bento

    ・Broccoli candy powder
    ・Sausage candy powder
    ・Eggroll candy powder

  • tanoshii Hamburger

    ・ketchup candy powder

<Items to prepare>

tanoshii Ramen>・Ramen tray

tanoshii Bento>・Broccoli candy powder・Sausage candy powder・Eggroll candy powder

tanoshii Hamburger>・ketchup candy powder

・Make broccoli jelly and sausage jelly following the “tanoshii Bento” instructions.

・Mix eggroll powder from “tanoshii Bento” with water (4cc using triangle cup) in the ramen tray.

・Cut broccoli and sausage jelly into small pieces once they are firm. These will be used as a topping for the omlette.

・Once the egg jelly is firm, place the broccoli and sausage toppings on one side of the egg and fold it in half.

・Make ketchup following the instructions for “tanoshii Hamburger”.

・Decorate the omlette with ketchup to finish.