Our Story

1887 Established as Tokyo Cotton Trading Company

Following the government's Industrial Development Policy, the company manufactured clothing for the Japanese people. It also became a successful cotton and textile trading company that led Japan's economy.


The Company succeeded in extracting silk oil during silk thread production and started to produce high end luxury soap infused with silk oil.

1939 Started manufacturing Cosmetics

1964 Expanded into the food business

We applied the research technology that was used when developing synthetic fibers to produce chewing gum. Chewing gum was new and in high demand in the confectionary industry, resulting in stick bubble gum to become a great success.


The company expanded into the pharmaceutical industry by acquiring an existing company who's main focus was herbal and dermatologic medicine. This helped to create synergy with the our existing cosmetics business.

1979 Launched 1st powder based DIY candy for kids called "Pukapon"

Powder based drinks were developed with an entertainment factor in mind. Inspired by products that emerge when mixed with water, we thought it would be fun if the end product could move around in the water. A ramune candy that was able to float up and down in soda was created by mixing a fizzing powder based drink. The price point was set at 30 yen so that children would be able to purchase it with their own money. There was also an educational aspect of the product that allowed children to enjoy watching the candy float around while sparking interest in how and why it was able to float.

1986 Launched "Nerunerunerune"

After the launch of Pukapon we continued to think of new product ideas that allowed children to actively engage. During this time, the game of tag, playing in the mud, and playgrounds were popular activities. Inspired by children playing in the mud we decided to recreate this idea with sugar syrup. The process was simple: Mix powder #1 and water, then add powder #2 which causes the color of the mixture to change and expand. The change in color would intensify the more the mixture is combined. This chemical reaction, unique name Nerunerunerune, and commercial featuring a witch brought a lot of attention to the product.

1987 Celebrated 100th Anniversary

2005 Launched the core product of Popin'Cookin' tanoshii cakes

Our product shifted from a snack that children made by themselves to a product that allowed collaboration between parents and their children. We wanted to become a product that could be enjoyed by the whole family. The final outcome was determined by the snack making process so children would try their best to master the technique. This is how we came up with a product that was based off of soft serve ice cream. Children could pretend to be pastry chefs by using the powder and water to make adorable mini soft serve ice cream snacks.

2007 The company was renamed to Kracie

2008 Launched Popin'Cookin' tanoshii SUSHI

Candy was used to appeal to children and their desire of wanting to enjoy authentic expereinces and eat like an adult. The product allows children to make candy that looks like sushi, but is made using only powder and water.

2016 Popin'Cookin' launched in the US

Popin'Cookin' was launched in the US with products including tanoshii Sushi, tanoshii cakes and tanoshii Donuts.


tanoshii Bento, tanoshii Ramen and tanoshii waffle were launched.


tanoshii Hamburger and Kawaii Gummy Land were launched.